Monday, 8 December 2014

Major Benefits of Wheat Grass

Why Wheat Grass ?

Wheat-grass is the Nature's best product containing group of multifunctional Nutrient such as :-
Chlorophyll, Amino acids, Vitamins, Minerals, Enzymes, Flavonoids , Saponins & Essential Fatty Acids [EFAs]

What is Benefits of Wheat Grass ?  
It is a quality product containing wheat-grass as its ingredient. Wheat grass is a complete food containing :
  • Chlorophyll 
  • 13 macro minerals 
  • More than 75 Trace minerals 
  • All the 20 Amino acids 
  • 13 Vitamins 
  • Enzymes
  • Flavonoids 
  • Saponins 
  • Essential Fatty Acids ( EFAs) 

1. Chlorophyll is a green pigment found in almost all the plants  and is vital for photosynthesis , which allows plant to obtain energy through sunlight. 
2. Flavonoids or Bioflavonoids also collectively called as Vitamin P and citrin are a class of plant secondary metabolite. They are known for their antioxidant activity in addition to the anti-viral, anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor activities.
3. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and also play a vital role in the metabolism.
4. Saponins are phytochemicals which are found in most vegetables and herbs. They help in improving the functions of the lymphatic system, in turn helping to detoxify the body. In addition to this, they demonstrate antimicrobial properties particularly against fungi and additionally against bacteria and protozoa.
5. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are healthy fats or good fats which are essential for the human body, but the human body cannot synthesize and hence must be obtained through diet. These fatty acids support the cardiovascular, reproductive, nervous  and immune systems.
6. Minerals Just like Vitamins, minerals help the body grow, develop and stay healthy. They play a vital role in the biological processes.
7. Vitamins are essential for nervous system, building body tissues, good vision, wound healing, formation of red blood cells, building immunity.
8. Enzymes are energized protein molecules found in the living cells. They catalyze and regulate all the biochemical reactions occurring in the human body.

Due to its multi-functional nutrients, 
Wheat grass has strong anti-oxidant properties 
along with additional benefits

Wheat Grass as a KING OF ALKALINE Foods : 
The Human blood is slightly alkaline , pH level being between 7.35 & 7.45. This alkaline environment is best for all the enzymatic, immunological and repair mechanisms to function in the best way. But many of the biochemical functioning and many other fundamental processes produce lots of acid. So to balance this, it is good to have alkaline food. 
Wheat-grass is a potent alkaliser. Due to its very high Relative pH value , it is considered as the King of Alkaline food.*

Why Herbal Hills Wheat-O-Power ? 
  1. Organic Certified Wheat-grass 
  2. Certified through USFDA, NOCA & NPOP
  3. Has good amount of Protein  
  4. Has good amount of Chlorophyll 
  5. Surety of Quality 
  6. Tested for the Presence of Flavonoids to be sure of its antioxidant effect 
  7. Tested for the Presence of Saponins to be sure of its detoxification effect 
  8. Tested for pH Value 
  9. Absence of Moulds 
  10. Absence of Heavy metals  
  11. Cost Effective than the other wheat-grass products available in USA 
Growing Condition of Wheat Grass at Herbal Hills Farms

International Quality standards adhered to give the best quality of Wheat Grass :- 
  • Location : In the POLLUTION FREE Sahyadri Mountain range in Lonavala, Maharashtra, India. The Wheat Grass is Organically grown and is Certified Organically processed as per Indian Standard & in accordance with the organic standards of the U.S Dept. of Agriculture. 
  • Water : Filtered water used for cultivation of Wheat-grass is sourced from Indrayani River.
  • Soil : Fertility of the Soil is maintained though the usage Organic Inputs, Vermicompost, Biofertilisers, produced in house. 
  • Production of Wheat-grass : Ancient knowledge with modern cultivation is practiced in soil conditioning, seed treatment, sowing & harvesting to get best results.
  • Method of growing : Outdoor
  • Harvesting : It is done on the 8th day of sowing when it is about 6-8 inches in height.
  • Drying : Upon harvest, the wheat-grass is dried immediately at low temperature to ensure that the maximum nutrient contents are retained at Hi-tech processing Unit near Cultivation farm.
Market Overview of Antioxidants
  • Wildly popular over the last few decades. Antioxidants are now well known by many consumers. 
  • According to Nutrition Business Journal, 2006 total antioxidant sales in the U.S. were $3 billion, representing 4.5% growth from the year    before. 
  • Last year, the majority of growth came from sales of herbal/botanical antioxidants, which shot up 43% in food, drug and mass market   channels. 
  • Consumer trends indicate shoppers are aware of antioxidants and  associate them with discreet health benefits, such as :*  
    • Cancer prevention (63%)
    • Improved immunity (47%)
    • Improved heart health (44%)
    • Removing free radicals (35%)
    • Improved memory (28%)
    • Eye health (27%)
    • Clearer skin (26%) 
    • Fewer wrinkles (21%)                         * "2007 Health Focus Trends Report"
  • During the past two years, antioxidants derived from tropical fruits such as Açaï, Acerola cherry, Mangosteen, Camu camu and coffee berry have received significant attention from consumers and researchers. 
  • Antioxidants have been successful from the point of "Protection / Prevention" 
  • Target customer : The faces of antioxidant consumers are rapidly changing and becoming indistinguishable. In the past, lines were clearly drawn separating products targeted specifically to women and those targeted to men. Today, it is quite another story; the antioxidant consumer is male, female, young and old.. it is everyone.
  • Plant-based polyphenols are growing much faster than isolated carotenoids because they are found naturally in functional foods, such as green tea, chocolate and red wine.

HERBAL HILLS Wheat Grass fulfills all the requirements desired in a potent antioxidant, viz: 
      • Preventative antioxidants
    •• Scavenging antioxidants
  ••• Repair enzymes
Along-with additional benefits, thus making it unique multi-functional antioxidant.

FOR More Details, Visit Here : 

[Rahul Singh]
[Marketing Manager in Dreamz Ultimate]

Help-Line : +91-120-276 9999, 9891 223 992
Support EMail :

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Multi Purpose Cleanser [MPC]

Home Care : Organic Multi-purpose Cleanser [Clean it all Plus]

Dreamz Ultimate International Associated with always a Good Quality of products with very effective price for every human beings reach. In Home-Care Category launched a product [Clean-it-All +], a type of Organic Based Multipurpose to Cleans your homes, utensils, clothes, cars, tiles, floors, mirrors, glass, tables n much more extra... 

The selection of Organic Based Multipurpose is very effective product in home care categories to Cleans your homes, utensils, clothes  cars, tiles, floors, mirrors, glass, tables n much more extra. It will be also very effectively used in Dishwashers and Washing machines too. It also protects your hands from damage to such type of market detergents.
Ingredients :-
  • Aryl Sulphonate
  • Organic Base
  • Wetting Agent
  • Perfume
Suggested Beneficial uses of Clean it All + :-
For Clothes :
For Clothes                        :     20 ml
For Heavy Soiled Clothes    :     30 ml
Uses with Machines            :     10 ml - 20 ml
[depends on small to large washing machines uses]

For Dish n Utensils :
For normal cleansing, dilute a few drops of Multipurpose Clean It All + liquid in a bowl of water, soak the scrubber in the solution and clean your all utensils n dishes to gives a new sparkle.
For Tough Oily Utensils :
For tough oily utensils, pour a few drops of multipurpose Clean It All + liquid directly and gently scrub with sponge.
For Floor Cleaning :
For Floor cleansing, Clean It All + liquid is ideal for any type of flooring,  Bathroom Tiles. Advanced formula for high foaming and cleansing, Completely cleans Grime and Dirt. It will be also used to Cleans with easy Moppers also.

[ Available in 500 ml ]

Caution for Uses :-
Avoid contact with eyes. Keep out of reach from Children.

VISIT here for Details : 

[Rahul Singh]
[Marketing Manager in Dreamz Ultimate]

Help-Line : +91-120-276 9999, 9891 223 992
Support EMail :

Agriculture Products : Ultimate AGRO - 80 Plus

Ultimate AGRO - 80 Plus : Activator-Wetter-Spreader

In INDIA there will be a very big Market n Area covered under Agriculture, but due to the Lack of proper knowledge & Best Pesticides Products, many Farmers of india regular leave their profession of Agriculture. First time in india Dreamz Ultimate International decided to grow their crops with the help of proper & best nutritions of crops and help to protect crops from dangerous pesticides. Thus, Dreamz Ultimate introduces "ULTIMATE AGRO-80 PLUS" Associated with Kai Natural Care in technical collaboration with Hawaiian Herbals, Hawaii, USA which is a highly concentrated all-purpose non-ionic spray adjuvant when mixed with pesticide & foliar fertilizer improves their effectiveness leading to increased crop yield for the indian farmers. 

Dreamz Ultimate introduces "ULTIMATE AGRO-80 PLUS" Associated with Kai Natural Care in technical collaboration with Hawaiian Herbals, Hawaii, USA which is a highly concentrated all-purpose non-ionic spray adjuvant when mixed with pesticide & foliar fertilizer improves their effectiveness leading to increased crop yield for the farmer. 
As an Activator-Wetter-Spreader, it activates the spray fluid to moisten the plant surface & allows uniform spreading of spray deposit. It facilities uniform mixing of powders, pesticides & most liquid fertilizers. It is non-corrosive to spray equipment and prevents clogged nozzles. Ultimate Agro 80 Plus is non-phytotoxic & is biodegradable. 
How Ultimate Agro 80 Plus improves performance of pesticides ?
Ultimate Agro 80 Plus is not a pesticide. But it does help make other pesticides highly effective. For a pesticide to be effective, a spray droplet must be able to wet the foliage and spread out uniformly over a leaf so that maximum area of the leaf is covered, enabling the pesticide to reach its target. 
However, this does not always happen as spray droplets tend to bead up on leaf surfaces, particularly on waxy and hairy leaves. This problem occurs due to the surface tension between spray droplets and the leaf surface. Mixing Ultimate Agro 80 Plus with the pesticide solution reduces the surface tension and prevents beading of droplets, thus enabling uniform coverage of the pesticide and ultimately, resulting in a better crop yield. 
How Ultimate Agro 80 Plus helps the farmers ?
Ultimate Agro 80 Plus helps the farmers to achieve a better and healthier crop yield through efficient use of pesticides thereby saving time and money. Although it is primarily an agricultural product, it can be used wherever pesticides, fertilizers, defoliators, plant nutrients are being utilized. This includes golf courses, household plants, nurseries kitchen gardens etc. 
Research & Development of Kai Natural Care produces the product AGRO-80 Plus has been developed after intensive research. Strict quality checks were carried out at every stage of the development of the product - right from quality checks were carried out at every stage of the development of the product - right from procurement of raw materials to the finished product. Kai Natural Care "Agro 80 Plus" has been tested on various crops and vegetation by reputed agricultural universities before being made available commercially. 
Usage: 1 
With insecticide, fungicides, foliar fertilizers and defoliators: Prepare a solution with any of the above and water. Follow, the mixing instructions recommended by the pesticide/ defoliators and insecticides. fertilizer/ foliar fertilizer manufacturer. 
Direction for use : Mix 5 ml of product (1¼ capful) per 15 liters of pesticide or foliage fertilizer solution. Spray normally on the crop. 2. With Post Emergent Herbicides: Make a solution of post - emergent herbicide to be used with water in the spray tank. Follow the mixing instruction recommended by the herbicide manufacturer. Mix 20 ml. product 
(1 capful ) per 15 liters of post emergent herbicide solution. Spray normally on the crop. 

Suggested Beneficial Uses :
  • CONCENTRATED - 80% Active Ingredients
  • SPREADER - Provides more uniform spray deposit on plants, Improves coverage of herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, defoliators and foliar fertilizer sprays.
  • ACTIVATOR - Helps to improve performance of post-emergent herbicides, insecticides and fungicides, foliar fertilizers and defoliators.

Disclaimer & Caution : 
  • Avoid Contact with Eyes.
  • Wear Goggles or Face Mask when Handling.
  • Avoid Breathing Vapours.
  • Avoid Prolonged contact with skin, used with rubber gloves.
  • Combustion Liquid, Do NOT expose to HEAT, Sparks and Open FLAMES.
  • Used only in Ventilated area.
  • Keep Container closed when not in use.

Applicable Precautions :
In Case of eye contact, flush eyes thoroughly with flowing water for 15 mins. and get prompt urgent medical attention. If skin contact occurs, wash thoroughly with soap [preferred herbal] and water. Remove and wash clothing before re-use. If swallowed, give water to drink and consult a doctor quickly.

FOR DETAILS Visit Here :

[Rahul Singh]
[Marketing Manager in Dreamz Ultimate]

Help-Line : +91-120-276 9999, 9891 223 992
Support EMail :

Friday, 5 December 2014

Choose Maxima Pack for Maximum Incomes

Maxima Pack : CAF ID Activation by 50% Discounted Offers 

WHY We Choose MAXIMA PACK for ACTIVATION of CAF ID's of any IBO ..?

Here will be you have many benefits, like that ;

  • Here you Increase your CAPPING with just HALF to PAY
  • No Need to Pay Higher Amounts
  • Pay with Just 50% of any Package
  • Choose Maxima Green Products According to Package
  • According to Package You Gain Maxima Maximum Quantity
  • Also Choose here multiple ID's of DIPOL or TRIPOL
  • Here you Choose DIPOL & TRIPOL with Mix-up Packages
  • Company Gives you Discounts on Activation 
  • But you EARNED full Ultimate Point [UP] on Each Package 

BUT Why this ACTIVATION Pack with MAXIMA Green ..?

ULTIMATE Super Nutritional Green FOOD of the EARTH ..!
ULTIMATE MAXIMA GREEN : Green Food Supplement..!!
MARKET MRP Price is Very Lower INR 925 only from Other ...!

Why this Ultimate Product is Powerful than Others...?

Reason is here, b'coz it Contains all NUTRITION S:-

# All the 20 Amino acids 
# Flavonoids 
# Saponins 
# All Essential Fatty Acids ( EFAs) 
# Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)  
# Folic Acid 
# Phytochemicals 
# 7-O-GIO (Lutonarin)
# 7-0-GIV (Saponarin) 
# Peroxidase 
# All 13 Vitamins 
# More than 75 TRACE MINERALS
# All Enzymes with DIGESTIVE ENZYMES
# and MANY MORE SUCH NOT Described here, 

For more details.....

That's why,....

""ULTIMATE Maxima Green is the ....
Super Powerful Green Food Supplement of this EARTH""

[Rahul Singh]
[Marketing Manager in Dreamz Ultimate]

Help-Line : +91-120-276 9999, 9891 223 992
Support Mail :

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

ULTIMATE MAXIMA GREEN: Powerful Food Supplement.

WORLD First Best ULTIMATE FOOD of the EARTH......!!!
ULTIMATE MAXIMA GREEN: Green Food Supplement..!!
Compare MRP Cost to any others too INR 925 only......!

"Green food Supplements are natural, wholesome sources of 
plants, vegetables and other green foods to deliver excellent health benefits." 

Imagine eating a single food that has everything you need for good health, without side effects! Super foods are those special foods in nature that are rich in Nutrition, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and superior sources of antioxidants packed into one food source. 

What are Green Super-foods ? 
Green Super-foods (Green Super Foods, Greens) are a category of phyto-nutrient-rich nutritional products derived from green plants, algae and cereal grasses. Green super-foods contain high concentrations of natural chlorophyll and are harvested seasonally to take advantage of high potencies of naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes. Green whole foods are nutritionally vital and have been an integral part of our ecological food chain since the days of Hippocrates (431 BC). 

Why should I take Green Superfoods ? 
Green Superfoods are a natural source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, plant sterols and other nutritional constituents. There is no better natural source of vitamins than green superfoods. They are safe, effective and the perfect adjunct to your daily diet. 

Each Green food offers some unique benefits. 
Superfoods are multi taskers - full of nutrients, low in calories. 
In the present day, to increase the yield, farmers resort to chemical fertilizers which depletes the nutrients from the soil. As a result the food we eat lack in nutrition which needs to be compensated in our daily diet. Certain food packs a strong punch of valuable nutrients and antioxidants that improves our overall health and helps fight off diseases in our busy stressful life. 

Superfoods : 
Are Ancient Natural Foods, Very high in Nutrients and Minerals, Are Super Antioxidants. Scientific research is now combining with traditional knowledge and showing that regular consumption of Superfoods, can make significant positive improvement in our overall health. 

Why this Ultimate Maxima Green Food is Powerful than Others...?
Reason is here, b'coz it Contains :

  1. Chlorophyll (Liquid Oxygenated Sunshine)
  • All the 20 Amino acids 
  • Flavonoids 
  • Saponins 
  • All Essential Fatty Acids ( EFAs) 
  • Superoxide Dismutase (SOD)  
  • Folic Acid 
  • Phytochemicals 
  • 7-O-GIO (Lutonarin)
  • 7-0-GIV (Saponarin) 
  • Peroxidase 
  1. gamma-linolenic acid (GLA)
  2. alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
  3. linoleic acid (LA)
  4. stearidonic acid (SDA)
  5. eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  6. docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
  7. arachidonic acid (AA)
  • All 13 Vitamins 
  1. vitamin A
  2. vitamin B
  3. vitamin B1  (thiamine)
  4. vitamin B2  (riboflavin)
  5. vitamin B3  (Niacin,Nicotinic)
  6. vitamin B5  (biotin,Pantothenic)
  7. vitamin B6  (pyridoxine)
  8. vitamin B9  (folic)
  9. vitamin B12 (predominantly pseudovitamin)
  10. vitamin C
  11. vitamin D
  12. vitamin E
  13. vitamin K
  1. potassium
  2. Iodine
  3. calcium
  4. chromium
  5. chloride
  6. copper
  7. iron
  8. magnesium
  9. manganese
  10. phosphorus
  11. selenium
  12. sodium
  13. zinc
  • More than 75 TRACE MINERALS
  • MANY PIGMENTS ; such as
  1. beta-carotene
  2. zeaxanthin
  3. chlorophyll-a
  4. xanthophyll
  5. echinenone
  6. myxoxanthophyll
  7. canthaxanthin
  8. diatoxanthin
  9. 3'-hydroxyechinenone
  10. beta-cryptoxanthin
  11. oscillaxanthin
  12. phycobiliproteins 
  13. c-phycocyanin
  14. allophycocyanin
  1. P4D1 Enzyme
  2. Amylase (Aspergillus Oryzae)
  3. Lipase (Aspergillus Oryzae)
  4. Protease (Aspergillus Oryzae)
  5. Cellulase (Aspergillus Oryzae)
  6. Bromelain (Ananas Comosus, Ananas Bracteatus L.)
  • MANY MORE SUCH NOT Described here, 

For more details.....
just visit :

That'z why,....

ULTIMATE Maxima Green 
is the 
""Super Powerful Green Food Supplement of this EARTH""

[Rahul Singh]
[Marketing Manager in Dreamz Ultimate]

Help-Line : +91-120-276 9999, 9891 223 992
Support Mail :

Monday, 1 December 2014

Best Water Purifiers : Save your Life's

Water Purifiers : [ RO / UV / TDS / AF / UF ] with Extra Minerals

Water is life, something without that life ceases to exist. Pure and clean water nurture our body and soul. Water we drink may contain various physical, microbiological, toxic Chemicals & Dissolved Impurities extremely harmful to our body. With so many waterborne diseases like jaundice,Typhoid, Cholera, Gastroenteritis challenging the human race, one should be extra conscious.
Dreamz Ultimate introduces Dr. RO & Libra provides the highest level of purity, safety and convenience in your home or office. Assuring you the purest water possible with Reverse Osmosis. Reverse Osmosis is the new, advanced leading-edge technology, which separates even the smallest polluting particles, molecules and ions, which conventional technologies can't remove.
Dr. RO & Libra is a unique water purifier, based on the ultimate Reverse Osmosis technology and employs five stages for water purification. Especially designed for indian conditions with areas of high level of Total Dissolved Solids [TDS] and Hardness. Dr. RO & Libra makes the water both chemically and microbiologically safe by reducing pesticides, hazardous metal contaminants (Lead, mercury, Arsenic etc.) and waterborne disease causing Microorganisms.

Want to know more about RO / UV / TDS / UF / AF and all those Discussions. 
Just CLICK HERE to read all details about Dr. RO & OSO-Libra
OSO-Libra RO Leaflets                    OSO-Libra RO Booklet

Choose India's Best TOP Designer RO Water Purifiers with RO,UV,TDS,UF,AF & Minerals...
With in Very Unique Designs & Features in First Time Network Industry....
Also Many More Features available within ....
ACTIVATION to REPURCHASE System in Dreamz Ultimate...
Call for more details here : 
RAHUL [Marketing Manager]  0 9891 223 992